Automobile insurance ensures that you, your family, your car, and your assets are protected in the unfortunate event of a car accident. To properly protect yourself from the risk of huge awards for auto liability, it is important that you maintain an adequate level of coverage for your individual situation.
Auto insurance can also help you restore your assets if they are lost or damaged and provide you with legal defense in the event of a lawsuit against you. All this adds up to greater peace of mind for you and your family.
Moreover, it is the law that you carry liability insurance to protect others against any of your acts of negligence.
How Alliance Insurance Can Help
Determining the proper amount of auto insurance to carry is your responsibility. If you are experiencing any doubts or confusion concerning the appropriate level of automobile insurance coverage, we are happy to assist you. We offer excellent plans through a number of reputable auto insurers and will assist you in determining the level of car insurance coverage as well as the price that best suits your needs.
As an Independent Insurance Agency, we are able to shop over 20 South Texas auto insurance companies to find the policy that is right for you. This gives us greater flexibility through as we can review and compare companies to better serve your individual needs.
Available Coverage
Compulsory Auto Liability Coverage
- Minimum required by law
- Bodily Injury (BI) to Others – $30,000 per person / $60,000 per accident
- Damage to Someone Else’s Property (PD) – $25,000 per accident
Optional Coverages
- Increased Limits of Liability – both BI and PD
- Bodily Injury to you or your family caused by Uninsured Auto
- Bodily Injury to you or your family caused by an Underinsured Auto
- Damage to your property caused by Uninsured Auto
- Damage to your property caused by an Underinsured Auto
- Personal Injury Protection – pays for your and your family’s medical expenses or loss of income.
- Medical Payments – pays for your or your family’s medical expenses
- Collision – pays for damage to your vehicle when the accident was your fault
- Comprehensive -Pays for damage to your vehicle not caused by an accident
- Rental (Substitute Transportation) – while your vehicle is being repaired
- Towing and Labor – for your vehicle if needed
- Death Indemnity – for you or your family in the event of death due to an accident
Contact Us
For complete details about your automobile insurance options, please contact us or come by our Alliance Insurance office so we can gather all the information needed to find the best policy available for you.
Insurance We Provide:
Vehicle Insurance
Personal & Home Insurance
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Our Services
As an independent insurance agency, we are able to shop over 20 Texas insurance companies for you in order to find the insurance product that best fits your needs. Moreover, when it’s time to renew your policy, we will once again shop our companies to find the best product for you.
Personal Insurance Services: Auto, home, mobile home and recreational vehicle insurance
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